The organization is a global operating chemical company. They requested assistance for developing the safety culture of a multi plant, located in the Netherlands. The company also has facilities in other locations and together they lead their market in the production of specialist chemicals.

Start position

The organization contacted InTense to take the next step in developing their safety culture from a more calculative to a more proactive organization. The organization noticed that in 2013 a deteriorating situation regarding safety, when a serious accident occured with remaining injury at a low point.

The management team defined three desired outcomes with the intervention of InTense:

  • Employees show more risk awareness and ‘risk thinking’
  • Employees will not take any more risks during the execution of their work
  • The frequency index regarding incidents and accidents will show a decrease and the attitude of the employees will show improvements
  • Next to that, the management team wants to put more focus on sustainable employability and celebrating success.


Based upon the conversations and situations scan, InTense proposed to roll out the Time Out (Alert!) program for the whole organization. This is a 2 day program with a third follow up and certification day. InTense asked the organization permission to investigate the effects of the program by having a scientific research executed by the Technical University of Delft and they grant permission to do so. This research and reporting took place from 2013-2016.

Measuring the effect of the interventions on the safety culture took place in three stages: prior to the sessions, six months after the sessions and a year after the sessions (2013-2015). There were three methods of measuring: a questionnaire (NOSACQ-50), personal interviews (Experience Sampling Methodology, ESM) and open interviews. The respons on the questionnaire was 81, 65 and 60%. A total of 257 employees followed the two day Time Out (Alert) program and the follow up session a few months later. The program certified participants on personal leadership, risk awareness, communication and teamwork.

Results based upon analysis of NOSACQ-50, ESM and open interviews

Most important significant improvements on management level, a year after the program:

  • Management is perceived to be more proactive with respect to safety and safety risks
  • Management involves employees more with respect to safety issues
  • Management focusses more on root causes instead of who’s to blame after an incident

Most important significant improvements on shop floor level, a year after the program:

  • Employees focus more proactively on safety issues and safety risks
  • Employees follow the rules more
  • Employees are more convinced that safety efforts are important
  • After the Time-Out (Alert) program participants are enthusiastic and motivated to develop safety initiatives or to be a part of it. This is the outcome of the open interviews. Because taking a Time-Out is now legitimized and encouraged, participants often make use of this possibility. The willingness to tackle perceived risks and safety issues seems increased. A year after the program, the pillars Risk Awareness and Communication still show the most sustainable impact.

After the Time-Out (Alert) program participants are enthusiastic and motivated to develop safety initiatives or to be a part of it. A year after the program, the pillars Risk Awareness and Communication still show the most sustainable impact.
In response to the interventions the organization created an internal Alert Support Team to sustain the results of the program and to take another step in mindset, behavior and safety culture. InTense guided this Support Team until a year after the Time-Out (Alert) program was rolled out.