InTense is a leading global expert in safety culture change. We have been active in safety culture change and leadership development for 25 years.

25 years ago...

InTense was originally designed to give safety a deeper meaning. The principle was safety as a conviction, anchored in the organization’s psyche. We aim to partner with our clients, tapping into the deep desire to improve the quality of life and enable people to make natural and confident choices for safety and well-being.
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It´s also how we do it that makes a difference. InTense’s methodology makes behavior visible and influences it in a culture that’s jointly created. This methodology is deeply rooted in our core principle: that safety and health is a conviction, not a target. Conveying conviction means confronting and developing insights and, above all, doing things together.

We work with the most valuable but also intangible assets: the mindset and behavior of employees. The adaptive program is designed to meet specific needs and adapted to the local culture. With the understanding of brain science and how people learn most effectively, our experiential learning-based programs aim to facilitate transformation during the session.

We understand that behavior does not change overnight and, to make a lasting impact, the context everyone operates in is equally important. Therefore, we not only deliver the training programs but also come together with our clients to design the necessary enablers to govern the sustainability of the HSE culture change.

people and behavior

We focus on the most important asset and change agent: your people. After all, protocols and measures have a glass ceiling. We address the human behavior and go deeper to connect the hearts and minds of people to make a lasting impact.

We support creating the right mindset as one of the best safety tools. Finally, we prepare the organization to have the right culture for people to make the right choices that are deeply connected to their safety and health conviction.

experiential learning

Safety and health leadership is much more than skills training: it’s an experience in which one has to be transformed themselves before they can transform the environment.

Our well-designed programs have a profound impact and proven track records because they’re experiential. They emphasize “doing” and “applying”, connecting hearts and minds, and they’re confrontational.

Participants are shown a reflection of the impact their often-subconscious way of thinking and behavior have on individual performance, group dynamics, and safety.

<- Check out our Learning Effectiveness graph.

People and behavior

When we roll out the program, we continuously assess the maturity level of the safety and health culture for the organization as a whole as well as on a site level.

Our programs are offered and extensively tailored to the maturity and specific stage your organization is in. To make a lasting impact, next to taking care of your change agents, we help you prepare the right context for the change to happen.

Interested? Take HSE seriously and contact us right away.